SEEMAWORLD: youterus is a fictional planet within which speculative storytelling takes place. Aspiring to planet earth, Youterus is the vantage point from which interlocking stories of this world emerge filmically and episodically.
SEEMAWORLD: youterus is a fictional planet within which speculative storytelling takes place. Aspiring to planet earth, Youterus is the vantage point from which interlocking stories of this world emerge filmically and episodically.
A Youteran folk-punk band visit their other~worldly cousins in Birmingham, and experience the sonic wonders of a diasporic planet Earth - bringing their own darkwave~carnivalesque vibes along the way...
A main component of solo exhibition, The Scrawny Beauties of Ethni City (2023) at QUAD (Derby, UK), included a large-scale installation mimicking a real-life carousel. Here, sits a song and dance about song and dance (2023), which introduces the origins of engodamy - an unfolding narrative inside SEEMAWORLD’s planet Youterus.
Performed through the artist's own cosplay, NO BLASPHEMIES (2021) is a satirical music video, which alludes to the conventions of Youterus - a dystopian planet shackled by the caste and labour imbalances it has learned from planet earth. Within SEEMAWORLD, this work looks to Vidding as a framework and falls under Seema's exploration into Fan Labour.
By depicting the delicacies of her most historical and cherished friendships, Seema explores the blossoming of new friendships - which have been made possible through a 2021 exchange programme with Soft Focus.
A purely animated insight, which takes the real-life movements, gestures and behaviours of Seema in another time, another space, another hair colour... and reimagines them within the narrative arc of fictional planet, Youterus - through some who reside there